Official Blog

How to modify hosts file

Aug 13, 2018

Each operating system has a hosts file that allows you to overwrite IP addresses returned for domains/hosts from DNS server or assigning other names or aliases to IP address. Hosts files are widely supported and have been for name resolution prior to DNS servers, hosts files grew to massive sizes and had to be kept somewhat in sync. This comes in very handy if you want to preview your website on a new server after migration before updating your main domain DNS server records or simply lets you work on the website using a domain name that isn’t yet registered or using temporary URL’s. Changes to hosts file only affect the computer on which they are made.

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How to change default SSH port

Aug 8, 2018

Secure Shell communication by default takes place over TCP/IP protocol port 22 which doesn’t make it insecure by default. However, it’s common practice to change the default port to a nonstandard one. The reasoning for this is simply that while changing the default port doesn’t eliminate any service attack vectors it does limit the noise generated by automated attacks such as possible exploits attempts and very common brute force password guessing attacks made by bots to default service ports when scanning wide network ranges. SkylineServers recommends only permitting access through the firewall to SSH port to a set of trusted IP address for even better security access controls.

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Let's Encrypt free SSL certificates available on all hosting plans

Apr 6, 2017

Let's Encrypt Logo

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Simple offsite FTP/SFTP backups script

Mar 9, 2017

Data backup and restore policies are critical to any business operations. Some hosting providers offer complementary emergency backup service for their clients or offer backup storage at additional cost. This is great to have in case of emergency as those can be restored usually in the least amount time needed. However often (but not always) being in same physical location as servers not providing any needed physical redundancy. Sometimes complementary backups do require additional configuration so don’t assume because web host offer says they’re included on our invoice you have all the backups you need. Hosting companies emergency backups are usually done less frequently, once a week seems to be a norm which can be a problem when latest backup for restore is 6 days old. Many times those emergency backups work on large data sets/entire virtual disk images thus making it harder to get a consistent point in time backup without causing service disruption to server thus posing a challenge in their consistency and reliability if its restore is even possible in the first place. If your server is terminated because of some billing or abuse issue chances are backups is as well, if a fire or natural disaster strikes the data center, hosting account or company is compromised and all your server data and backups gone or is hit with ransomware are you going to be able to recover and bring things back online? Do you think relying on hosting provider backup is sufficient?

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Is your SSL certificate still compatible with the browsers your clients are using?

Oct 14, 2015

With the busy on-line shopping season coming up slowly ensure you’re not missing out on sales opportunities with SSL certificate that guarantees 99,9% browser compatibility, a lot has been going on in the SSL world last year. For example Google and other removed support for old SHA-1 certificates. Also last year Google changed their ranking system for organic searches slightly improving positioning of sites served over SSL. Nowadays SSL certificate not just improves your trust but also helps bring in more traffic to your site. If you’re still using smaller 1024 bit keys you should replace them with stronger versions and re-sign your certificates as soon as possible. We recommend using large key sizes at least 2048 bit RSA or 256bit ECDSA keys. We still see a lot of servers running weak ciphers or running SSLv3 for example leaving them vulnerable to a famous poodle or other attacks.

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